Bank – origin of the words, Jews, Italy, BANKI…

so u too agree about the Jews’ MONEY control!?

… but the moment u say that… its like “u too much into conspiracy stuff…”

Trivia – the word BANK, is from the word “BANKI”- italian  i think!

as per the SCRIPTURES (jews n chrstns alike even islam) don’t allow u to LEND money for INTEREST!!! so came in the JEWS for the HOLY (Roman) EMPIRE. n the Christians,

Christians wud go to a plce like say a POST OFFICE, to do, all MONEY stuff!”

n there wud be lines on small STOOL (like-seat) where the JEWS wud sit, (like u see outside INDIAN COURTS/post offices)

n do all the MONEY stuff for the PIOUS CHRISTIANS,

… so what happen(s) (yes even NOW!!!) is,

a NON-JEW, gives the MONEY TO THE JEW (sitting on his BANKI), and

the JEW TAKES the MONEY (as a Loan- fron a non-JEW) n as per the Deal PRE-NEGOTIATED.


(no wonder JEWS rule! ok.) ie. Non-JEWS =  Christians, muslims…

EVEN in Mohd.(SMS – short for arabic may peace be upon him!!!)’s time CIRCA700ce.

similar was the role of Jews in the the muslim, world, n

Ko’ran even has LAWS FOR THEM (refered to them as THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK or DIMMIS- kind of less- respectfull)

n they had to pay a TAX/TOLL ( called GIZIA or ZIZIA – JIZIA or similar word) so they cud live as non-MUSLIMs in MUSLIM LAND (even Arabia’s most venerated… places(dare i not say SHRINE- fatwa!!!) rem the recent surge in the word ISLAMIC BANKING?

BTW. what i have noticed is Saudi’s FLAG (when the KING is in the frame/picture) has changed it shape from the ROMAN STANDARD – yes even the INDIAN flag n all the other countries (EXPECTING NEPAL – the erst – while HINDU kingdom) w/ Prchnda – don’t knw what them neps wud do next ;-])

are the Traditions of the Romans (then the HOLY Roman Empire-Vatican)


Till how much can u count using ur fingers?4,5,8,9,10,12,16,20!!! Indian – Hindu – American – European – Asian _ Japanese

Till how much can u count using ur fingers?

don’t think about it, just start counting 1,2,3,,4… n

Use u Hands ie. Fingers to tally mark with ur fingers. as u count. to make  it easier close ur eyes. (samjha kya? ;-]]).


count with ur fingers,

 <param name="movie" value="” />http://ahref=


Till how much can u count…


(HINT-n the correct answer is the no. u choose froom the above…)

This is a kind of ethno-cognitive-kindda thing.

then see a video link i have posted on the web, n it kinds of shows,

How u can know/guess! how a person thinks, its a simple, thing, n u realise this when u not in India or related eastern countries

if ur answer is…, then u might be, thinking like a…

4 – American, African ( n u start with ur index finger, of the LEFT HAND.

5 – don’t know/African – who did not under stand the question, exactly.

9 – Japanese – (start with little finger of the right hand (n count till4) n then they start w/ the  lil finger of the Left hand, n count till 5 on this hand!!!)

10-  english/ european (start w/ index finger n use the other hand, to casp the finger being – counted. 9 n 10 are always the Thumbs!)

12 or 16-Indian (they use the Joints of the Fingures to count upto 3/4 on each finger. Hence 4 anna(one finger) 8 anna(2 fingers. notice its double SIZE, n 1 finger more n also  50 paisa is still called 8 anna in a lot of place in India still, even though its over 40 yrs since the annas stopped.

another reason why INDIANS only count up to 16, might be the way Hindus worship,  mantra-jaap, not all Hindus use beads to tally the no. of times they have recieted the mantra. usually in hindus the number is 108 or 1008 (some  BINARY thing!)

20-South Indian ( same as above, but there some how manage to!)

All the above statements/representation made, are true, to the best of my knowdlege n percetions,

I have done/still on… an experiment on a lot of travellers, who i bump, into. Randomly.

but by the end of it BOTH of US are WISER.

n a simple smile is the reward.


ps. its’ a thing i haave noticed for a long time, while travelling around the continents.
n I “realised” that WE the Indians are the only ones who can count up to 20 on their hands,
ask an american n he will take off His SHOES ;-]]]

Science to Religion. Get a Life! or Hinduism- Scientifically PROVEN or how to…

PLEASE DON’T QUOTE, SCIENCE, at the drop of a hat.

a case in point is the “cherry picking” lines off Carl Sagan”, if i get the source right, the orgins of Carl Sagan’s statement lies, in his TV series The COSMOS. (?) well to complete the story Carl’s, offers an open CHALLENGE to all, to PROVE IT (religion in this case), “scientifically.” ie. repeatable, independently, Now to point. Why does a religion, even bother to get a VERIFIED/CERTIFIED BY SCIENCE, stamp in the first place. Religion exists where science doe not. n looking in hind-sight, an mooling over who, DISCOVERED the PYTHAGOROAS Theorem, SHOW US SOME KNOWLEDGE, that the SAID SACRED VEDDAS have. well that hasn’t been SOURCED from out-side… …if u want to prove that the HARRAPAN culture was VEDIC, then the burden of proof lies with u. since u make this claim, proove it.


Pictures that were sent on the Voyager SpaceShip

The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record-a 12-inch gold-plated disk, a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. The contents were selected by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan
115 images and sounds, such as surf, wind and thunder, birds, whales, and other animals, musical selections from diff. cultures n eras,
and spoken greetings from Earth-people

The main man behind this project was CARL SAGAN. ( He also INSISTED on making the VOYAGER(not sure it was the same ship) take a picture of the EARTH FROM THE OUTER_MOST LIMIT OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, it was difficult for Mr. Sagan to convince the Authorities at NASA to take this picture,

as it wud have emence, impact on our … …outlook…

the picture is ICONIC now, n i bet u have seen it some where or the other, i cant find it! ;-]

view of our solar system

view of our solar system

(as Carl Says, We people of America, a COMMUNITY, on behalf on fellow Earth-beings)

to any “other” form of LIFE,/intelligence/Civilisation

it’s a mix of MATHs n pics, even the HUMAN DNA, n how to de-code the images and information, as to how to respond back.

Carl Sagan was always very critical of any UFO, sightings, n abductions,

HIS response was… …PROVE IT, SCIENTIFICALLY, n none stand up to the rigours of scientific verification,

there is always a simple reason/cause, even HALLUCINATION…

n HE is the same person who got the SETI (search for Extra Territorial Intelligence)

here, no ©  with me,

but since it was sent on MY/OUR BEHALF,

at least, we are entitled to see, what was said /shown about US(A).


My first Book!

its gonna be a story, of Creation, n Evolution,

from the Big bang to Hiroshima,

origins of life,

where we come frm n where we r where r we headed,

en-route I plan to take on the concept of god, religion, the Vatican…

Cultures, language, history of science, Bible, Koran, Egypt, Moses…

unimaginably large number – Googolplex

A googol is the large number 10 raised to the power of 100, that is, the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeros: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

  • The term was coined in 1938[1] by Milton Sirotta (1911–1981), nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, when he was nine years old

The Great Carl Sagan say a Googolplex is as far from infinitey as number 1

“A googolplex is precisely as far from infinity as is the number one.” — Carl SaganCosmos

It is used it to illustrate the difference between an unimaginably large number and infinity,

  • Kasner popularized the concept in his book Mathematics and the Imagination (1940).

A googolplex is ten raised to the power of one googol:

10googol = 10(10100).

In the documentary Cosmos, astronomer and broadcast personality Carl Sagan estimated that writing a googolplex in base-10 numerals (i.e., 1 followed by a googol of zeroes) would be…

…physically impossible, since doing so would require more space than the known universe provides.

In the January 23, 1963, Peanuts strip, Lucy asks Schroeder what the chances are of them getting married, and Schroeder responds “Oh, I’d say about ‘googol’ to one.”

There is also an analogous system of Sanskrit terms for fractional numbers, capable of dealing with both very large and very small numbers.

Larger number in Buddhism works up to Bukeshuo bukeshuo zhuan10^{7\times 2^{122}} or 1037218383881977644441306597687849648128, which appeared as Bodhisattva‘s maths in the Avataṃsaka Sūtra.[1][2] , though chapter 30 (the Asamkyeyas) in Thomas Cleary’s translation of it we find the definition of the number “untold” as exactly 10^(10*2^122) expanded in the 2nd verses to 10^(45*2^121) and continuing a similar expansion indeterminately.

A few large numbers used in India by about 5th century BCE

  • koti —107
  • ayuta —109
  • niyuta —1011
  • kankara —1013
  • pakoti —1014
  • vivara —1015
  • kshobhya —1017
  • vivaha —1019
  • kotippakoti —1021
  • bahula —1023
  • nagabala —1025
  • nahuta —1028
  • titlambha —1029
  • vyavasthanapajnapati —1031
  • hetuhila —1033
  • ninnahuta —1035
  • hetvindriya —1037
  • samaptalambha —1039
  • gananagati —1041
  • akkhobini —1042
  • niravadya —1043
  • mudrabala —1045
  • sarvabala —1047
  • bindu —1049
  • sarvajna —1051
  • vibhutangama —1053
  • abbuda —1056
  • nirabbuda —1063
  • ahaha —1070
  • ababa —1077
  • atata —1084
  • soganghika —1091
  • uppala —1098
  • kumuda —10105
  • pundarika —10112
  • paduma —10119
  • kathana —10126
  • mahakathana —10133
  • asankheya —10140
  • dhvajagranishamani —10421

Hindu Measurements n Numbers

Hindu- Numericals, about origins…

ek do teeen chaar paanch chéh såat aath nou shunya (ZERO)

ek do teeen chaar paanch chéh såat aath nou shunya (ZERO)

about hindi – devnagri Numericals…

I was taught by a teacher ( a PHd frm BHU) ages ago,

The way Hindu-numericals are written – based on diff animals…

… like 2 is like a swan, n
9 is a scorpion
(in hindi we can write 9 in two ways – as a mirror image of 3 (like E ) this is the front part of a scorpion n its two FANGS/claws(i cant rem the correct name for it) n its head, n
the other way is like the mirror image of 9 – that is supposed to be the tail, (curled – where the venom is) of a scorpion…
… i rem, others but am not too sure…
Any Gyan is most well-come!