VEGANs rule!!! OK!, Here some cool things VEGANs can do with VEGAN!!! VErGood 2 ANimals VEGAN WErGood2ANmals WEGAN WEG2A WEGA (but WEGA is a SONY tradeMark for TV :-[)

Here some cool things VEGANs can do with VEGAN!!!

VErGood 2 ANimals    VEGAN

WErGood2ANmals    WEGAN



(but WEGA is  a SONY tradeMark for TV :-[)
Udaiveer Singh Rathore i am still curious about Vegans.
u can’t be one in India! or tell me how do u manage to?
Thursday at 01:15 · Like

Shashank Dixit Udaiveer – On the contrary its the easiest I suppose to be a vegan in broad terms , a vegetarian who leaves milk products is a vegan and its so easy to be a vegetarian in India..simple ? 🙂
Thursday at 08:01 · Like

Himani Shetty V uday whats std food in india? dhal roti sabzzi rice? sambar rasam idli upma vada pau chole rajma pulao veg chinese (without MSG) veg mexican cheeseless pizza puri’s chutneys…we are indians… we have an evolved vegan cuisine….so what do u think vegan food is? salads? ;))
Thursday at 10:03 · Like · 1 person

Yusuf Pirjade ‎@himani and @uday…v accept the vegan foods….but still there is lots of non veg food also…like chicken/mottun/ biryaani,(ch/mtn) makhani…masala..kababs…tandoories…many more gravies…countless dishesh….And One more thing All vegies are only vegies…but all non vegies are vegiee too…
Thursday at 10:27 · Unlike · 1 person

Himani Shetty V agreed but if you dont need to hurt any animal for one snack/meal, why do it? what is taken with such pain, cannot get you any good. after all how much fun is food if you knew how sick what you are eating was?

the reality is today, hens and cows spend their lives cramped living in their own filth and waste. most hens ahve rashes and skin diseases because of the heat and filth, and are then eaten by people. goats and young lambs, that are like human babies only, are killed in front of each other. imagine watching a family being killed in front of their child. the fear the lamb feels will be the same dont you think?

if this was done to dogs cats and humans it would be a crime, but because these animals are very gentle, people hurt them so much.
one meal is a small satisfaction if you think of the weeks, years and months of pain and fear that these sweet animals have to go through.
Thursday at 12:50 · Like · 1 person

Yusuf Pirjade I love animals….but non vegiterian food coming from so may years………..eating in limits its very much gud for health……there is no end of this debate..truely….whatever ur doing is gr888888 but there always an exuse by nonvegies..keep it up…
Thursday at 15:06 · Unlike · 1 person

Udaiveer Singh Rathore PLEASE, spell my name RIGHT.
as UDAIveer NOT udaY.
I am sure the milk that comes from my milkman is not, BLOOD-MILK!”
Animal Products should include Leather/fur etc. too. Right?
So, no leather Bags for u Him… no wool too.
what about Fish ? ( i bet they are off ur menu)
n what stops A Vegan from NOT HURTING plants. they too are alive, u know!
or rather what Jains do, don’t eat anything that is grown/under ground.
n Jains do NOT DO FARMING. (choice-religious doctrine.)
their reasons make more logical sense than ur Vgn agenda.
Hey whats the Vgn Stand on Medical Trials done on animals? not make-up, but serious stuff. Don’t tell me u are gonna argue w/ the Doctor, in a medical situation (well there is a Christian sect that does, not allow any usage of Medical-intervention- Totally Bollywood Style – they do BIG/maha PUJA n ask THE CHRIST to heal their Sick. (pl Comment)
Thursday at 19:58 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore n why do i see the same Islam-ic, under tone, better be dead than NOT be a MUSLIM / Vegan(s)
( i use Islam as a reference cause the issue here WHAT IS RIGHT, and WHAT is PERCIEVED to be Right/TRUE)
n u truly believe in what u say. n want to Speard it like a religion. (one cud also say Christianity, but off late the FUNDAMENTALIST are on a defensive mode, Darwin Blew their Arc to bits!)
#HIMani as u had used the word Evolved, i guess u might also agree with the Darwin-ian concept of Species n evoltion.
Then THESE Human Values, or our Superiority Complex, is just a ONE-Way love affair. i mean don’t expect a (mad/sick) dog not to Bite u casue u a Vegan or volley for PETA.
Thursday at 20:08 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore talking about Human Values,
the kind of treatment humans met out to other humans is “in-humane”.
Torture in the name of Religion, SOCIETY(sic).
Murders show How brutal Humans are, even to their own Kin.
What about food-oil politics that leads to millions being denied ADEQUATE Food. ( America can have a bumper harvest, n they will trow the grain into the sea rather than “give” it African countries.)

… some Fodder for ur case,
humans turned to eating Meat in a large way, just after they figured out FIRE. our stomach is not well-equiped to handle raw meat/blood.
Thursday at 20:19 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore Ever given a thought, that in every city (big/small) in the WORLD, that has a Zoo n we keep all the Pri-mates (human-like Apes – like Chimps, Gorillas orangutanes…) who are less than 1% different genetically, from HUMANs,
Locked up in Display cells/jail, in the name of education. (ZOO) for our KIDS.
Vegan me THIS!!!
Thursday at 20:25 · Like

Melina Jacques The way I see it, vegans know there will always be pain and suffering in the world but we are doing what we can to minimize it. Why buy a leather bag, or a wool sweater. when there are perfectly good alternatives? Why choose a meat-based meal, when a plant-based meal is also very delicious and healthier for you? Why do medical testing on animals, when it is a proven fact that many medicines which work one way on animals, will have a completely different effect on humans? Animal testing is pretty much useless and there is no valid reason why all this torture and death should take place. The fact is that our oceans are quickly running out of fish. If the world was vegan, this would not be the case. If the world was vegan, there would be no zoos, and no circuses.. no use at all of animals for entertainment, as we oppose this. You can call it trying to convert… not all vegans are activists. We do not all have that intolerance you mention. We wish to educate and open people’s eyes to the reality of the situation because if more people would go vegan, there would be less pain and suffering in the world. Simple as that.
Friday at 12:06 · Unlike · 1 person

Melina Jacques by the way, you cannot compare the suffering of a broccoli or potato to the suffering of a pig which has the intelligence of a 3 year old child. Or turkeys which are intelligent, social birds and have individual personalities just like dogs. We have to eat to survive. Question is, why kill that turkey if you don’t have to?
Friday at 12:17 · Like

Sneha Poojary Just because we have been doing things for years doesn’t mean we need to continue doing the same. We held slaves for most of our existence as a species; we treated women and children as property, and so on, but of course, that didn’t make it right.

Veganism is not a pseudo religion – there is no scripture. It is often something that people arrive at quite independently as a matter of ethical reasoning. When we make compassionate choices, we stand up for the weakest among us. Those who rely entirely on your ability to show compassion.
Friday at 16:48 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore ‎@melina,
the 1st Vegan i met, u can TALK, sense. (well relative to others)
Agree w/ u on a lot of moot points,
Close all Zoo(s) go 2 east Africa, (its a mind EXPLODING experience), but this will also be very anti-vegan-ish too, as u realise the Gnu/Wilder- beast is just LION FOOD!!! n all animals r into killing n eating (so y shud we not?)
At-least Start w/ freeing the great Apes (pri-mates – our evolutionary cousins)
Disagree on Clinical trials on Animals, as far as i knw (am pretty sure)
First the drug/medicine is made/invented, then they do a theory check on it(toxics etc), then come in Animals, cause, they are much better subsitutes than humans or brocolli! ;-] n then at theh 3/4 satge is the Human trials, (n hey that too is becoming un-ethical, as large MNC’s r doing all the Human trials in countries like India, where the the Laws r just suggestive, instead of EU. or USA.)

n as u said the PIG, is bio-anatomically very close/similar to humans, another wud be be the LAB RAT (white, w/ red eyes – these rats are MAN-MADE for lab testing. n can’t live out of the labs-cause of induced changes in their body)

n what is the Basis on which u make this observation that INTELLIGENCE is a pri-requestic for PAIN/suffering.
at best we don’t know, n pushing it (vegan-principle) they too are ALIVE, just cause, they don’t YELP or YELL, we ASSUME, what suits us?!!
Y do u play GOD n decide, u can be killed n u can’t???
does this not amount to discrimination, or cherry picking…
Friday at 19:59 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore ‎@sneha,
u r pre-judiced!!! as
no one calls Vegan(-ism) a religion. For the good of u n vegans, do call ur self a religion or insult urself by saying pseudo-religion!!! ( i hope u get i’m saying!)
n the WORST U CAN DO IS ADD THE “-ISM”. n then all are free to do as they please, cause they already have their own -ism(s). (religions/sects/scriptures)
n theoritically, a SCRIPTURE is not a pre-requistic to religion.
if by scripture u mean, a doctrine/dogma, then sure Vegans do have their DOs n DON’Ts (right? as shown above)
n there is a Vegan way of LIFE! so u are short of being a religion, n more than Activism.
But the dos/donts vegans follow/have puts them at Logger heads with most of the religions ( all the Jerusulam-abad ones, judeo-christian-islam) Hindu-ism (even Buddhism n Jainism, but not so much)
If in OUR country, where almost 80% ppl r Hindus, COW-slaughter is Still allowed. (info for non-Hindus – a COW – not a BULL – is Sacred, n a living divinity) sans Gujrat, but then Modi n co. kill muslims who kill the COWS!!! funny funny ways of the world/power. NO?) ;-]
btw. in Jammu n Kashmir it is(still-kind of) ILL-LEGAL to Kill a Cow, cause of the Penal Code they had pre- accession to India – refered to as the HARI SINGH Penal Code (Hari Singh was a staunch- HINDU-Dogra King, w/ his capital in Jammu(for winters) n Srinagar(for Summers) n this Practice of shifting the capital STILL HAPPENS EVERY YEAR!!! they have conveys of trucks n cars n more trucks that, do the shifting…
ooops gone on a tangent…
but WE are a Strange country. no?

PS. what is the Vegan stand on Gandhi? ( he loved goat’s milk!) n considered MODERN MEDICINE to do Black Magic/ alchemy… the hospitals are the havens for the DEVIL. ( not kidding, i can scan n send u the pages from a book on Gandhi n Jinnah- who loved pork!!!)
Friday at 20:23 · Like

Sneha Poojary ‎@ Udaiveer.

All animals are into killing and eating. Correct. But they cannot make ethical choices like we can. Personally I do not support conservation of one sentient species to kill another sentient species.

About plants
Meat producing animals are all fed vast quantities of plants in order to produce meat. If plants were capable of feeling pain then anyone who eats meat and deploys this argument is simply making a case that they are causing the needless suffering of many many times more plants than vegans.

And about experiments…
Suppose the only way to save those 10,000 people was to experiment on one mentally challenged orphan. If saving people is the goal, wouldn’t that be worth it? Most people will agree that it is wrong to sacrifice one human for the ‘greater good’ of others because it would violate that individual’s rights. But when it comes to sacrificing animals, the assumption is that human beings have rights while animals do not. Yet there is no logical reason to deny animals the same rights that protect individual humans from being sacrificed for the common good.

And about LAB RAT. It shows the kind of favor we are doing to these animals by bringing them into this kind of existence and abusing them.
Friday at 20:26 · Like

Sneha Poojary I am personally not a big fan of hypocrites. So I do not follow them too… So its waste using names and asking me ‘what about them?’
And who are you referring to when you say u are short of being a religion, n more than Activism? I am not a Vegan because they showed Gandhi in some Vegan posters. I do not care. what I care about is the animals made to suffer.
And these politicians. Ah! Planning to gain votes in the name of religion.
Friday at 20:33 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore ‎@sneha
wait till i have my masala dosai.
Friday at 20:37 · Like

Udaiveer Singh Rathore me. too.
sum stuff u will find, er… offensive.
some might make sense, that we ARE ON THE SAME SIDE.
Just cause i am asking for Directions, doesnt mean I am TOTALLY LOST
Friday at 20:41 · Like

Sneha Poojary Ah!… where did my comment go?!! o_O
Friday at 20:42 ·

@sneha. whuch comment. btw it was my turn.
#”…fan of Hypocrites.”
You mean – as in ppl who kinda have double standard or
– Hippocrates (GREEK-philoshosher-ish guy) from who we Hippocratic oath since it was first proposed by Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine. Even today all medical doctors take this OATH, almost all over the world.
google ” Hippocrates, Hippocratic oath”
quite a compassionate one?!?
– cause last i ccommented on was modern medicine. hence wana check.
#about “experimenting on a mentally chlgd person vis-a-vis 10000 ppl.
come on answer is simple. i will b ok w/ it even it were my kid!!!

Read some South American culters like Maya… n others,
there to appaese the Gods for some favour like say Rain or war etc.

I am BLACK (err BROWN), a take on whites

there was this t-shirt, i had in college…

i am STILL  BLACK… , or,


hey WHITE – boy.

u get sick u turn YELLOW,

u angry u turn RED,

u get beaten u turn BLUE

u get the sun, u turn BROWN,

u get scared u turn PALE

… (n a few more…)

n u have the balls to call me COLOURED


Stars n Wires | or my night-photography Trip – “Taare-Stars”

me too. a photographer,

well, its a Oxymoron of a  wrd, 4 what i like doing,
shooting(photographing ) in the NIGHT. (DOGMATICALLY – NO OWN Light Source ie. Flash etc.
I do Very long exposures (avg 30+ sec.s to 30 mins.!

I just came in from shooting the whole night.

COPS n bull as usual.

The Idea i was doing was “Taare” ie. STARS, n  playing on the word “Taare”, I shot…

ELECTRIC WIRES ( called Taare, or tarae) n street lights (i generally carry a wire-cutter… to CONTROL THE STREET LIGHTING!!!!- very simple)
Most of the pix are for “HDR” ( +/- 2 to 6 stops, difference for some shots)
Can’t say was good, Lets see what tricks i can pull out of the Mac.

the verse

Aap ke Taare asmaan mein,

Amir Khan ke Taare zameen pe,


hamare Taare, toh Khambo par hee Latak Rahe hai!

Here a trial



Stars n Wires


i have done a similar thing before, “Chaand-Taare” – Muslims didnt like stuff!

Vegans n God

if you look around in the present world and history itself, it has always been that ONE person who’s made a difference in the rest of humanity’s lives. Just that one person.. From Mahatma Gandhi to Nelson Mandela in liberating India a…nd abolishing apartheid .. From Humphrey Davey to Steve Jobs in creating the first light bulb to revolutionizing the human interface technologies.. The list is endless.
As Margaret Mead said, “only a handful of determined people can bring about Change.. Never trust governments to do that for you”.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

I battled with similar questions as yourself about 4 yrs back when I turned Vegetarian and then Vegan, but today with that one change starting with myself, I have helped others turn to Veganism and they are furthering it in turn. The chain has started and it’s growing.

Take sides.. Being neutral only helps the Oppressor.

i understand the power of 1.
n here u r not jusut fighting 4 change in a certain peoples’s life style,
but the entire gamut, of Religions, faith, habbits, traditions.
What u PREACH about ANIMALS sounds too far fectched to make any REAL …DIFFERENCE.
Being a VEGAN, puts u on the same pedestal as any HARD-LINER, Fundamentalist…
The Tohra/old testmnt, the Ko’ran are, all for animal EATTING/ sacrifice.
though Most of them (scriptures do have an element of RESPECT the LIFE of the animal)
n thats as far as i wud go.
Eating an animal is not akin to being cruel to it.
Sure its not a NOBEL DEED thats gonna get u a standing ovation.
I am from the Rajput community (rajasthan), here MEAT (RED) is almost a Ritualistic meal.
Even Kids n Animals/dogs/cats, have a built in liking for meat, ( may i say ACROSS cultures).
Now U might have had a Personal EXPERIRENCE, that has made u take up a POISTION on it.
But just calling meat-eaters Cruel is no SOLUTION or can it bring any change. Correct me, here, pl.



I’ll start by commenting on the ‘fundamentalist’ comment. I hope to establish a to and fro, where there’s something to be learnt on either sides.

Veganism is about living a life of compassion and empathy for all living beings, both hu…man and non-human. Most vegans prefer to start undoing the wrong at the grass roots level ie; the animals. They further voice against every injustice done including humans.
Once you understand this basic fact, you will appreciate, why veganism calls for absolutism in abolishing all forms of animal use (abuse).

Not all vegans use the same approach in bringing about this awareness for a social change in our society, world wide. Most show case violence so that urbanites especially the Gen Y, who may never have touched a goat, know what they’re eating and what entails, next time they order a mutton dish. Personally, I have stopped showing violence as I have a different approach and I’ve realized it doesn’t help much. Then, there is ALF, who has a different approach. To bring about a Change as big as we’re planning for, you need all approaches that are out there.. Different people respond differently.

I don’t mind called whatever as long as it will help bring this awareness.

Evolution is a pre-requisite as a mature human. We continuously evolve from where we were yesterday. Literally ! We evolve every single day, believe it or not.. In thoughts, words and actions ! If we don’t , some’s amiss. Would…n’t you agree ?

Unfortunately, the one thing, that most of us can’t seem to get over or be rational about or where all of our education and free thinking minds take a back seat is — Religion. Religion is the one single thing that has done more harm than the collective good it’s done.
It is man made ! Why can’t people see that ? All the scriptures of all the religions in the world have been written through word of mouth and the best interpreter. Religion has been created by people to control them.

What sane person, let alone God, will ask for blood in exchange for a wish ?? If a religion asks for sacrifice, that’s the end of that religion as far as I am concerned.

@ thanks, for being patient n polite, unlike some others! ;-]
points, I wud like to note, EVOLUTION, Religion…
Well evolution for me as Darwin put it, RANDOM, mutations, changes, adapting better to the environment, to MULTIPLY MORE.
Logically, it wud be not right to assume that Humans ARE GODS OWN CREATIONS. i mean we can’t be put US in a diff class, than other Primates, animals.
The evolution/mature-ing of Humans as u put it, seems to me as a point, of POST-RELIGION-ious –  dogma. driven mind, to justify, its ability to EMPATHISES (!)!
If ur point was to be furthered, Being a VEGAN is the result of EVOLUTIONARY pressures on the human society. I think this is far rfom true.
Well there can be / might be Benificial to some to adopt a Herbivore ( cant find a better word) way of Life, n just saying its HUMANE, n JUST, is no REASON, for it be have Evolutionary Pressures.

Well Totally agree with u on Religion. n the neo trend of trying to prove that a  certain Religion, is scientific, is totally missing the point.
No Scipture or teachings can be held to be Absoluth truth, to begin with.
No Relegion ( i know of) is SELF CORRECTING, Changable, n advocates questioning of ITSELF.
 (well i say this too often c my blog for what i think of religion, evolution et al   udaiveer/

Science has NO PLACE IN RELIGION, if it has, then at best, it’s job is to SPREAD “LIGHT” where  there was none.

Religion occupies those DARK spaces in our “BEING” that, Science has not yet LITE up.
” What sane person, let alone God, will ask for blood in exchange for a wish ?? ”
I think nothing says it better.
( a bit of personal stuff if u dont mind, u a RC?…
 as the JEWS are potrayed in the Christian Writing/history…
…about Killing/crucifing Jesus…
…y the F..K wud anyone, say.
…and Let HIS BLOOD BE UPON US, and OUR CHILDREN (to be Born)
y wud Jews b so STUPID as to ASK (the Roman BOSS) to be BLAMED for MURDER of “THE CHRIST”
it’s plane bull from the Vatican.
Religion, POISIONS, everything it touches

My first Book!

its gonna be a story, of Creation, n Evolution,

from the Big bang to Hiroshima,

origins of life,

where we come frm n where we r where r we headed,

en-route I plan to take on the concept of god, religion, the Vatican…

Cultures, language, history of science, Bible, Koran, Egypt, Moses…

How can u believe in a thing like “GOD”, n still live with Science???

if u give it a lil RATIONAL THOUGHT…

…THEN (sorry to say) u live a life off CONTRADICTION…

… as science gives us more n more proof of WHAT “IT” is… … conversely, if u believe in (popular meaning of the word) GOD, then what place does Science have in ur life? or u choose what to do/believe in/about the Religious dogma(s) as per convenience? (not being sarcastic – but wanna debate the FAITH out u !:-]]]… … the more i have been learning about religions across continents n cultures, i am amazed how gulible ppl are. as in films, WE MAKE BELIEVE the REALITY as per our wish, n it is so easy to convience anyone that what ur eyes are seeing IS REAL!. It is so EASY to CHEAT our Perceptions n senses, eg. motion pictures r basically FOOLIng the BRAIN, n we do get fooled. RIGHT.


u a so called CREATIONist? or to use THE CORRECT WORD FUNDAMENTALIST? ( the origin of the wrd fundmlst traces back to the early 20 centry COURT room drama, about teaching EVOLUTION is school,)

Well till then t was a very Yankee thing!(sorryyy)
POPE n most of the Higher Cleargy kind of agrees with evolution. to the some degree (noah arch n all that stuff, they say means the SAME)

PLEASE can i be of help, in showing u another LIGHT.

u dont have to lose ur god or ur Good book.
it will be another POV of looking at HIS beauty.
we can’t get smarter than HIM. right?
so what makes u feel u have found the LIGHT/right PATH.

u cant say No-Evolution.
Faith aside. its the closest thing to GOD(s) we have UNDERSTOOD

dogs were supposedly bread from Wolfs/jackals (may be some other various species as well)
But the Micohcondril DNA (past from mother to child – both male n female- so it stays the SAME, down the generations,so DO WE ALL HUMANS. There was just ONE EVE. well ADAM we can’t know!!!)
points to Wolfs, but some breeds have the Jackal Mococondrial DNA as well.

WILT-What I Learnt Today #Sudhir Mishra The best stories are those that combine what u have seen with WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO U (0LD PERSIAN SAYING)

Sudhir Mishra (50yrs)

The best stories are those that combine what u have seen with WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO U (0LD PESudhir Mishra The best stories are those that combine what u have seen with WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO U (OLD PERSIAN SAYING)

A Short History of Islam – Karen Armstrong [mininova].torrent



A Short History of Islam – Karen Armstrong [mininova].torrent


A pretty un biased book ( Audiobook)

dont know y this is about 100mb, the one i had Heard earlier was about 500mb, 6hrs long.

its worth a listen…

copy paste the above in any Torrent Client, ( Azures, Bit Comment, utorrent…)


its a torrent file.

if u dont know how to get the REAL Audiobook then ask me,

if u use opera as a web browser then it will do the job 4 u…